Friday 4 May 2012

Unicorn Poo

Yes, that's right - Unicorn Poo.

I have a couple of nephews that are visiting for the weekend, and so to amuse them, and myself, I have decided to make some brightly coloured biscuits, in the shape of poo.  The Unicorn Poo starts life as a basic Sugar Cookie Recipe, and with a liberal dose of food colouring, edible glitter, they magically form themselves into this rare treat.

If this doesn't win me some kind of Best Auntie award, I will want to know why.

  • 1 batch of Sugar Cookie Dough
  • Food colouring of at least 4 colours
  • Lustre dust, edible glitter
  1. Prepare sugar cookie dough as normal, then place on a lightly floured surface.
  2. Divide into four, or however many colours you are using.
  3. Take one portion of dough and add colouring, and knead in thoroughly
  4. Repeat for the other portions until you have one of each colour
  5. Take half of one colour, and roll it out into long thinnish rope
  6. Take half of the next colour, and repeat to a rope of equal length
  7. Once you have done this for all four colours, lay them next to each other.
  8. Cut the ribbon of dough into 8 pieces
  9. Take each piece, and holding one end press them together and gently roll the strands so that they twist together. 
  10. Roll the twist a little until the different strands are stuck together, but not enough that they blend
  11. Twist this into a wheel, mounding some on top so it looks like a poo. Don't be afraid to pile it high as it will spread when it cooks.
  12. Place on a baking tray that has been buttered or lined.
  13. Repeat for remaining pieces, then place in fridge to chill for an hour
  14. Bake for 15-18 minutes at 350°F  / 176°C / Gas Mark 4
  15. Allow to cool for a moment before transferring to a cooling rack.
  16. Once fully cooled, brush with lustre dust and sprinkle with edible glitter - if you can get rainbow coloured glitter, even better - unfortunately, I didnt have any.

  •  I use gel colourant as this doesn't alter the consistency of the dough.It is also quite strong, and best to apply to your dough with a cocktail stick or wooden skewer dipped into the gel, then into the dough. However, you are after a strong colour.
  • ENSURE that your glitter says it is food edible. Just using glitter that says it is non-toxic is not necessarily edible.